Locate and show any photo in an instant
BR's PhotoArchiver will help you keep track on your digital photos. It will read most image file formats. All text in your image annotation will be indexed so you don't have to bother with keywords.
You can organize your photos into an unlimited number of categories. You can also define your own data fields where you can enter any information you want. You can organize your pictures in an unlimited number of categories, limited to ten levels.
Supports many image file formats
BR's PhotoArchiver supports the following file formats:
- JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- TIF - Tagged Image File Format (LZW compression is supported)
- BMP - Windows or OS/2 Bitmap
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
- PSD - Adobe PhotoShop (RGB only)
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics
- PCD - Kodak PhotoCD (only Base, Base/4, and Base/16)
- PCX - Zsoft PaintBrush
- TGA - Truevision Targa
- ICO - Windows Icon
- PBM - Portable Network Media
- RAS - Sun Raster Image
- WBMP - Wireless Bitmap
- CUT - Dr. Halo
- IFF - IFF Interleaved Bitmap
- KOA - C64 Koala Graphics
- MNG - Multiple Network Graphics
- CRW - Canon RAW format
- CR2 - Canon RAW format
- NEF - Nikon RAW Format
- X3F - Sigma SD-9 and SD-10 RAW format
- MRW - Minolta RAW formt (testing purposes only)
- OPF - Olympus RAW format (testing purposes only)
- PEF - Pentax RAW format (testing purposes only)
- RAF - Fuji RAW format.
Store photos online or offline (CD or DVD)
You can use BR's PhotoArchiver whether your photos are stored on your hard disk or offline on a removable media such as CD, ZIP, or DVD. A thumbnail of all the photos (also those on CDs) will be stored on your hard disk and displayed when you do a search. If the photo you are searching for is on a CD, you will be told which CD to insert to view the full size picture. PhotoArchiver will know which removable devices are present on your computer and will scan all of them looking for the right media so you can insert the CD i any drive if you have more than one CD-drive.
Create insert-and-run CDs
You can create a CD of selected pictures that you can send to your friends or relatives. Both pictures and comments will go on the CD and a simple viewer (BR's PhotoViewer) will be copied to the CD. When receiver of the CD inserts the CD in his/her computer, PhotoViewer will start automatically and display the photos just like PhotoArchiver. No software needs to be installed to view the CD.
Create Web-pages from your photos
Just select which photos to include and PhotoArchiver will create Web pages with thumbnails, normal size and full screen size versions of each photo. You can select picture quality. Just move the created files to the web server and the whole world can see your photos.
Print your photos
Print selected photos on your printer. Just select which photos to print, number of photos per page, and print quality and BR's PhotoArchiver does the rest. Photos will be resized and rotated to fit the selected format. You can print 1, 2, 4, or 6 photos on a page. You can also print contact sheets that shows a lot of thumbnails on one page.
View EXIF information
Most digital cameras write something called EXIF information to the photo. This is information on when the picture was taken, exposure, flash, camera mode, and a lot more. BR's PhotoArchiver will display some of this information.
Handle large numbers of pictures
You can store all the photos you'll ever take in BR's PhotoArchiver. Even if you take 1000 pictures a day for 50 years, it will still handle it!
Annotate your photos quickly and easily
Annotating your photos is vital. It will make it easier to locate a photo and makes it much more fun when you view your photos 10 years from now. Annotating can be a lot of work but BR's PhotoArchver has several features that will make this important task easier. Each field remembers the last used value and presents this as default. Values can be imported from a text file, e.g. date and camera information from EXIF (see BR's EXIFextracter). There is a bulk update feature that makes it easy to set a value for a range or selection of pictures. If you have 100 photos taken in a specific location, just mark the photos, go to Bulk Edit and enter the name of the location and press update. In just a few seconds you have entered the location for 100 photos. Date will be extracted from EXIF if present.
Fast and compact
The program is written in C++ which is one of the most compact and fastest languages available. The database structure is indexed so it will still be fast when you have entered 50000 pictures.
Built in features secures your photo index
Your data is safe with BR's PhotoArchiver. Several steps have been taken to ensure that you'll never loose your data. Most important, your photos will still be on your Hard disk or CD, just a reference and a thumbnail are imported in the photo index. PhotoArchiver will never update your picture files. The photo index is accessed in a way that there is minimal risk of data corruption even if you have a PC crash or power cut while updating the photo archive. And in the unlikely even of data corruption; you can still recreate your photo archive from the automatic backup file that is made each day you updates your photo archive. You'll only loose the thumbnails, but they are recreated automatically when you start using the new photo archive.
Even if you decide to change to another program in the future, all the work you have done with BR's PhotoArchiver is not in vain. All the data you enter can be exported to a comma separated text file. This file can be imported into many other programs.
I keyed in the first entries in my own photo archive 20 years ago and I haven't lost them yet. I'll do my best to ensure that you never will.
High quality software, dedicated service
BR Software will do our outmost to offer you the best service possible. We try to answer all support mail within 24 hours. The quality of our product is very important to us and we have routines in place to keep the number of bugs to an absolute minimum. Each new version goes through a documented test procedure and all major releases go though a beta test program. I'm proud to say that we have few support mails caused by bugs.
We also guaranty that all data you enter in BR's PhotoArchiver will be useable in future versions. If we change the data structure in the future, we will provide software to upgrade your data.