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Organize and manage your Digital Photos

BR's PhotoArchiver
Screen Shots

Association of Shareware Professionals
Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals

Keep track on multiple versions of a photo

BR's PhotoArchiver is one of the few photo organizers that can keep track on multiple versions of a picture. It can keep track on as many as 20 different versions of one photo. This might be photos you have edited or different size or file types.

Multiple versions of your photos

When you have added a photo to the index of BR's PhotoArchiver, you can attach other versions of this photo to this entry in the index. You can either do this by scanning a folder for other files with the same name (but different type) or you can add the files manually. This do not have to be other photos, you can actually attach any file type, i.e. a Word file containing more information about the photo. If BR's PhotoArchiver cannot handle this file type internally, it will automatically start the default program for this file.

BR's PhotoArchiver can even automatically make new versions of a photo you editi in an external image editor (i.e. Adobe Photoshop) as long as you start this editor from PhotoArchiver. Also photos you batch resize/convert in BR's PhotoArchiver can automatically be added as a new version in the index. This way you can easily keep track on different files types and resolutions of the same picture.

Other features

Create CD Find photos Printing Convert/resize File formats Viewing photos Using Categories